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2019-08-25 19:19:50   来源:东方头条   

[Trade Rumors] Thunder Willing To Trade Chris Paul To Mavs For Tim Hardaway Jr. And Courtney Lee

交易流言: 雷霆愿意用保罗交易独行侠队小哈达威和考特尼-李

[–]RaptorsJKirbs14 368 赞3 hours ago

The problem is that the Mavericks likely aren"t ever going to agree to such a deal.

猛龙球迷: 问题是人独行侠不同意呀。

[–]RaptorsBismackMyBiyombo 208 赞2 hours ago

Cp3 Luka KP would be pretty bad ass tho

猛龙球迷: 保罗,东契奇,波神三人组可有点意思

[–][NYK] Nate RobinsonTheKnicksHateMe 196 赞2 hours ago

Having 2 of the most injury prone players in basketball on max deals would be outrageous

尼克斯球迷: 一队有俩顶薪药罐子也太吓人了

[–]Wizardsacosmichippo 21 赞an hour ago

high risk high reward. and even if worse comes to worst they get to tank for more draft picks.

奇才球迷: 舍不得孩子套不着狼,最差情况不就再摆烂几年

[–]kingofthewilds 22 赞43 minutes ago

The Mavs aren"t gonna risk tanking for 3 years. They have Luka on team friendly deal and KP entering his prime.

独行侠可不会冒再烂三年的险。人家 有东契奇的童工合同和步入巅峰的波神。

No reason to risk their future on a rapidly declining player like Paul with possibly the worst contract in the NBA


[–]NetsBigbadbuck 40 赞2 hours ago

Porzingis isn"t close to one of the most injury prone players in the league. He tore his acl and had a few minor injuries

篮网球员: 波神可不是联盟最脆的球员之一。 他撕裂了前十字韧带外加点小伤而已

[–][NYK] Nate RobinsonTheKnicksHateMe 225 赞2 hours ago

Okay well he"s missed like 160 games over 4 years so do with that what you will

尼克斯球迷: 行吧,他过去四年错过160+场比赛,所以你说什么都对咯

[–]NuggetsRegularDress 18 赞an hour ago

He"s missed so much time he hasn"t had a chance to miss time to injury again

掘金球迷: 他伤缺时间过长,以至于没机会再受伤

[–]Trail Blazerscorrealvinicius 5 赞2 hours ago

He"s not close to one of the most injury prone player in the league. He basically is the most injury prone player in the leagye

开拓者球迷: 波神可不是联盟最脆的球员之一,他差不多就是联盟最脆的球员

[–]HeatKniGht1st 1 赞10 minutes ago

How is CP3 a injury prone player? He has been going through some injuries but nothing serious.

热火球迷: 保罗怎么成药罐子球员了?是, 他一直有伤病困扰,但都不严重。

He is definitely not an iron man like Lebron but he averaged 68 games per season throughout his whole career. Put that into the perspective: KD 71, Steph 69, AD 66.5, Kobe 67.

当然保罗不像老詹一样是铁人,但生涯平均每赛季都能出场68场。 作为比较,KD是71场,库里69场,浓眉66.5场,科比67场。

[–]KingsTheFoxKing5 12 赞3 hours ago

Yeah THJ still has two years but Courtney Lee is expiring. THJ"s last year is $18 million so that"s a massive drain on their cap space if they trade for Paul.

国王球迷: 小哈达威合同还有两年,但考特尼-李是到期合同。 小哈达威最后一年合同是1800万刀,所以如果交易来保罗的话薪金压力会很大。

[–][OKC} Steven AdamsGrumpyBearBank[] 11 赞2 hours ago

Luka does not need to be paid for awhile.

雷霆球迷: 东契奇还有好久的童工合同。

[–][OKC] Raymond FeltonDTttfu 121 赞3 hours ago

Lol these “trade rumor” reports are always funny. Like, I’m sure okc is “willing” to trade Chris Paul for those guys, but the likelihood of it happening seem almost slim to none. Crazy how you can just write an “article” purely out of 100% speculation

雷霆球迷: 呵呵这些“交易流言”太逗逼了。 比如说,我很确定雷霆“愿意”用保罗交易如上球员,但交易达成的可能性近乎于零。 能纯靠推测编出篇“文章”可太牛逼了

[–][MIN] Karl-Anthony TownsSandorTheLumberjack 95 赞3 hours ago

I"m willing to trade Wiggins for Giannis

森林狼球迷: 我愿意用威金斯换字母哥

[–][OKC] Russell WestbrookRamzaa_ 5 赞15 hours ago

Why would you trade a number 1 pick for some foreign guy?

雷霆球迷: 为啥要用状元去换个老外?

[–][IND] Victor OladipoTheBoilerCat 36 赞2 hours ago

If this trade were to happen, poor Hardaway would be stuck being a tank commander for the third time in his career.

步行者球迷: 要是这交易能成,可怜的小哈达威将生涯第三次沦为摆烂大队长。

[–]timski9000 12 赞an hour ago

He gets paid like 18M. He doesn’t put up that value so no contending team will want him. It’s a trade off I’m sure he accepts

他每年拿1800万刀。 他并不值这么多钱,所以有竞争力的队伍不会要他。 要是这交易能成我保准他会欣然接受

[–]rarmstrong6590 28 赞2 hours ago

Capping THIS offseason with Chris Paul getting traded FOR A SECOND TIME would be the cherry on top of this acid trip of a summer


[–][BOS] Jaylen BrownYe_Biz 44 赞2 hours ago

Y’all could’ve just gotten Dragic for free

凯尔特人球迷: 你们本来能免签德拉季奇的

[–]NetsLambchops_Legion 2 赞15 hours ago

I’m mad we didn’t get to see the Slovenian combo together

篮网球迷: 我很生气斯洛文尼亚二人转没能再次唱响

相关热词搜索:保罗 雷霆 三巨头 交易


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